Stand-up comedian Rahul Subramanian, best known for his acts such as the Breakup & MBA, Dad On Facebook and the Indian Political Spectrum, will be in town on July 28 at the Classic Rock Coffee Co., Kalyani Nagar, 8:00 pm onwards. Price for pass is INR 350 per person.
Friday Night Plans: Head To Classic Rock Coffee Co For A Stand-Up Comedy Special By Rahul Subramanian
What Is It?
Why Should I Go?
Subramanian’s 60-minute comedy act ‘Kal main Udega’ aims at making no sense whatsoever! And that perhaps is the fun part. Unrelated topics, bad dancing, comical takes on critical subjects and everyday family drama are what you must expect. So come for a fun time, don’t overthink much, laugh and enjoy, come up with your own message from the show because clearly, Subramanian won’t have any for you.
So, We're Saying...
Rough week and a Friday night deserve some laughter! And who better than Rahul Subramanian himself?