Try Your Hand At Performing Arts With This Open-Mic Event

Jashn - Open Mic for Teens

What's Happening

To celebrate young and budding talents, Nukkad Cafe in Viman Nagar is hosting an open mic on 12th May, 2019. Jashn - Teens Open Mic, is a platform created my the cafe to help teenagers explore their hidden talents.

Whether you are a musician, poet, a story teller, rapper or anything that you are keen to explore, you must take a part in this open mic. The event is created by a group called The Yellow Room, to not to judge and instead, simply encourage and enjoy the performances by you talent. 

Go ahead and show 'em what you got! 

How's The Venue

Nukkad Cafe in Viman Nagar has a good set of munchies and juices at affordable prices. 


Encourage your sibling or nephew/niece to showcase their talents here.


₹200 upwards

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