When it comes to women, handbags are kind of our best friends. But aren’t you bored of using the same old designs and styles for years now? We found Pataaka, a brand that's experimenting with old school styles by giving them a contemporary touch.
As a brand, Pataaka believes in designing handbags that are made for the new age women who aren’t afraid to challenge the traditional norms. Their bags are designed to make the customers stand out in a crowd while empowering them. Their collection represents an expression of freedom and offers elegance that you can’t miss out on. The bags are mostly made up of vegan leather and are available in different styles and price ranges. From satchels to make-up pouches, laptop sleeves, wallets, totes, crossbody bags and much more, you can find them all.
Our favourites are their tote bags that comes with an extra pouch. The bags are available on solid bright colours starting at INR 1,480. They have a beautiful metal sling attached to it that has intricate thread work. These bags are perfect for a travel day or for office use. You can also invest in their cross-body bags starting at INR 1,080 if you are looking for something smaller.