Maharashtra's Official Film Festival - The 17th Pune International Film Festival will take place from 10th-17th January, 2019. Come, watch gripping films from budding as well as established filmmakers and enter into the cinematic world of magic. Hitting the right chord, these films are sure delve into various hard-hitting subjects. The fest will have best of stalwarts interacting with you.
Movie Buffs, Pune International Film Festival Is Back
What's Happening
How's The Venue
There are multiple venues for the fest as each venue will screen a different film and hold a celebrity/ stalwart interaction. We recommend you check the schedule before deciding the venue. To name a few, the venues will be City Pride Kothrud, NFAI, City Pride Satara road and many more.
Price Includes
Spot registrations have already begun at City Pride, kothrud and Satara Road and Manaala in Shivajinagar.
Make A Note
For more details on movie schedules and info on directors, visit their official website