We Found A Second-Hand Book Store In Viman Nagar That Sells Books Starting At INR 50

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What Makes It Awesome

Turn through an old book's page and read former editions of classics from Saish Enterprises, a second-hand book store in Viman Nagar.

Located on the same street as Udaan Biodiversity Park, this humble store houses a vast collection of second-hand books. At this store, you will find all sorts of books. There are also academic books spanning across all streams, so students from Symbiosis do make a note of it. There are novels, self-help books, poetry books and several titles across categories. Along with these books, the store also has a few vintage comics, magazines and encyclopaedias as well.

The best part about this book store is their really old collection of books. There are a number of classics such as Moby Dick, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Pride and Prejudice among others. These books date as far back as 1942. Some books have old notes and messages scribbled in, perhaps from senders and previous book owners. There are also old magazines, if you are patient and lucky enough you might even find some vintage magazines. We found an entire collection of Britannica in near-mint condition and it was also set in the old print and cover styles.

Along with titles in English, you'll find titles in Hindi, Marathi and few other languages. Some of the older books are in good condition whereas, some are not well-maintained.

And, as the store deals in second-hand books, you'll find the prices start at INR 50 only. They also have few old newspapers. Speaking of newspapers, the store recycles them. You can also sell your old books here and let someone else enjoy the world that you once explored.

How Much Did It Cost

Under ₹500

Best To Go With

Family, Big Group, Bae, Kids

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