Built by Lieutenant Nash of the East India Company’s Engineers, St.Mary’s Church in Camp is one of the oldest churches in the city. St.Mary’s is an architectural marvel with a tower at the west end, a winding staircase on the south that leads to the gallery, vestry and lamp room on the ground floor and magnificent space that can house up to 1,000 worshippers. Built during the British era, the church has seen its fair share of memorials of sages and warriors. For instance, the mortal remains of Sir Robert Grant, Governor Of Bombay are buried in this church.
There are a lot of architectural references at St.Mary’s. While the north side depicts the Annunciation of the Virgin and Moses at the Burning Bush, the south side represents the Ascension and above, the translation of Elisha. We hear The Baptistery window represents Noah’s sacrifice, the Israelites crossing the Red Sea and the Circumcision and Baptism. If you know your history well and have a knack in cultural, give this church a visit.