Pune has been always blessed with a number of artists who have added a feather to the Puneri pagdis. One such legendary artist was Balgandharva, an actor, singer and performer who desired to create a platform for various artists in Pune. His passion for performing arts gave birth to ‘Balgandharva Ranga Mandir.’
This Theatre Auditorium Has Been Deeply Rooted In Every Punekars' Hearts Since 1962
The Founders
Punekars are known for their impeccable taste in art and literature. Balgandharva Ranga Mandir was established by two of the pioneers in theatre and literature – Balgandharva and P.L. Deshpande; both of them who received the Padma Bhushan in their respective fields.
The Musicals
Ever since its establishment, Punekars have loved the musicals or the sangeet natak out here. Balgandharva, himself was known extensively for his gifted voice. The place continues to carry his legacy and organises musicals at least one or twice every week. Entry fee starts at INR 100.
Legendary Performers
Balgandharva Ranga Mandir is blessed to have seen legendary theatre artists such as Mohan Joshi, Reema Lagoo, Mohan Agashe, Neena Kulkarni and singers such as Vasantrao Deshpande, Pt.Bhimsen Joshi and many others who have mesmerised the audience of Pune everytime.
Curators Of Art
Apart from various stage shows, Balgandharva Ranga Mandir also hosts various art exhibitions {oil, pastel and water} by numerous artists.