With everyone ditching plastic bags for all good reasons, we stumbled across this store in the wild streets of General Bazar that sells jute bags for a steal. New Taj Jute Bag Store is a small shop that sells bags in every possible size. From lunch bags to handbags, they're sturdy, sustainable, and come in a lot of prints. These start at INR 100, and for that price, you can grab more than one for your pal, too.
Looking for return gifts, this shaadi season? You can buy small, fancy bags here in bulk, and stuff them with other knick-knacks. Their gift bags start at INR 150, but if you buy in bulk, there will obviously be a discount. We also spotted cute wallets with kalamkari and ikat print on them for INR 80. Awesome, right? This store can be a little tricky to find, so wherever you see jute bags hanging outside a store just after you enter the main street of General Bazar, that's the store.
Looking for return gifts, this shaadi season? You can buy small, fancy bags here in bulk, and stuff them with other knick-knacks. Their gift bags start at INR 150, but if you buy in bulk, there will obviously be a discount. We also spotted cute wallets with kalamkari and ikat print on them for INR 80. Awesome, right? This store can be a little tricky to find, so wherever you see jute bags hanging outside a store just after you enter the main street of General Bazar, that's the store.