The Gallery Cafe

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At Gallery Cafe, art meets ingenuity. The Buddha statue at the entrance ushers you into the warm interiors of the cafe, which is an extension of Kalakriti Art Gallery. The genius fusion of west and the east reflects in the homely decor; the walls are pinned up with tiny painting and sketches done by visitors, while the other end of the walls is furnished with hand-painted plates. Actually everything here, right from the rugs on the floor to the chairs are works of art and often come hand painted. Interested in an afternoon of sketching? Fetch your pens and doodle away. But be sure to take breaks to sip on their exotic Bella Kaapi. Don’t forget to check out Gallery Cafe’s hella ‘grammable bright blue wall outside with gorgeous white motifs. 


Former Editor, LBB, Hyderabad.