Hyderabad Peeps!Register For This Insider-Only Event At Brickwood This Sunday.

LBB Insiders Table

What's Happening?

Listen up Hyderabad peeps! With pizzas to die for and yum freak shakes, we've especially curated a perfect lunch menu for y'all! So be sure to register for this #InsiderOnlyEvent at Brickwood this Sunday 15th September!

So register ASAP to be a part of this exclusive event!

Make a note

Please note, this is an Insider Exclusive event. The more you post on LBB, the better your chances of gaining access to all our Insider events. If you aren't an Insider yet, here's how to be one>> http://bit.ly/2SEd2UP%3C/a%3E%3C/p%3E?utm_source=LBB&ref=lbbpost
