Readers, These Online Libraries Are Providing Free Access To Millions Of Books

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Everyone's stressing on how important social isolation is right now and no matter how tough and mindbogglingly frustrated it gets, we'll have to stay strong. And for that we're here to help you. If you are an avid reader who wants to try out new genres or a student, these online libraries are providing free access to dozens of e-books to starve off your boredom!  


Based out of America, Scribd is an e-book and audiobook subscription platform that has over a million titles. From cult favourites like Paulo Coelho to Ayn Rand to Indian authors like Preety Shenoy, and Amish, you're sure to find something that catches your interest here. They're giving out a month long free subscription. 


Now, on to the serious stuff. Jstor is a digital library for digitised issues of academic journals and if you're a curious student, this is jackpot. They've got more than 85,000 e-books and journals from scholars dating back to even 60 years. Arts, business, law, humanities, explore and find your interest.  

Cambridge University Press

If you feel your online classes aren't being sufficient for you, Cambridge University in England has its e-doors open for you. They've given free access to its higher-education textbook and materials in subjects that cover archaeology, philosophy, science, history, etc. 

Oxford Academic Journals

Preparing for you research paper? University of Oxford in England is giving free access to journals for all you nerds and geeks. Of course, they have all the topics covered, so check it out and ace your paper. 

Project Muse

For peer-reviewed academic journals and e-books from publishers like Johns Hopkins University Press , Ohio State University Press, University of Nebraska Press , University of North Carolina Press, Temple University Press, and Vanderbilt University Press, check out Project Muse. Something similar to an online encyclopedia, you're sure to spend hours going down this rabbit hole. 

The New York Times

To the most legit and important news and research material about the coronavirus outbreak, The New York Times is providing free access to understand the pandemic and spread awareness. It's time to burn those WhatsApp forwards and fake news with evidence backed-up content. 


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