Victoria's Secret To Lindt: Load Up On Awesome At This Supermart

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What Makes It Awesome

We all have those days when we want to pick the best of snacks or essentials for house parties. QMart — a supermart in Banjara Hills is easily one of our favourites. This isn't your regular supermarket since you get imported chocolate, skincare range, and food items. We spotted chocolates from Fabelle, Lindt, Ghirardelli, Hershey's and cheese from various parts of Europe. If you're throwing a house party, you can pick cocktail mixes, frozen food like nuggets, pork momos, sausages, spreads. Plus, they've got fresh bread, organic vegetables.

Get Golden Tips tea (among hundreds of variants) and coffee from Davidoff; get your hands on ramen, soba noodles, miso sauce. Their second floor is entirely dedicated to kitchenware, skincare range (spot Oshea, Bath & Body Works, Victoria's Secret. While you're there, don't forget to grab a Chicken Tikka Bun or Blueberry Donut from the deli. They also sell flower pots, succulents, and plants.

How Much Did It Cost

₹500 - ₹1000

Former Editor, LBB, Hyderabad.