5 Minute Mango Bread Cake Recipe With Minimum Ingredients

2 Interested |

Ruchi Jain

What Makes It Awesome


1 Mango

3 bread slices ( Preferably white bread)


2tbsp cream



1)    Take 3 bread slices , cut the borders and spread honey over the bread slice.

2)    Take cream and 1tbsp honey and whip for 2 minutes.

3)    Spread the above mixture on bread slices.

4)    Layer the bread slices with mango slice in between.

5)    Cover the top slice with cream.

Voila your Mango bread cake is ready to eat!!!! Very simple and easy recipe to relish during this season of Mangoes.

How Much Did It Cost

Under ₹500

Best To Go With

Family, Bae, Kids, Big Group