Akshaya Patra Foundation


Akshaya Patra Foundation in coordination with state governments and district administration has been providing relief either by providing cooked meals or dry ration to the people in need. They are currently serving in Rajasthan, Gujarat, NCR, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Haryana, Chattisgarh, Orissa, and Telangana. 

Each cooked meal is costing them INR 20 and each grocery kit that consists of rice, pulses, oil, spices, and vegetables is costing them INR 750. This grocery kit can serve 2 people with 42 meals for 21 days. 


A writer by passion and a reader by choice. However, this doesn't end here. I also, from the bottom of my heart, like critiquing fashion. Just in case, you want a friend who could discuss fashion from the 1920s to present, I am here.