Bake Your Love For A Sweet Summer In Bake Amor

292 Interested |

What Makes It Awesome?

Bake Amor is a warm looking confectionary which sits beautifully on the main lane of CR Park.
The bakery has a simple look with side eating table and stools to leave enough room to enjoy your dessert.
This sweet spot savours you all snacks from cookies to bread. Offering their freshly baked personalized cakes which will indulge your sweet tooth and their snacks section will get you, your fill.

The select flavours of muffin and cheesecakes steal the show. They have good enough selection of drinks from hot to cold for coffee runs.
This undemanding place is best for Tea time snacking or late brunch. If hop to this rustic bake, the cheesecake is amazing will keep you coming back for more of Bake Amor.

How Much Did It Cost?

Under ₹500

Best To Go With?

Family, Bae, Kids

thinker by night and dreamer by day while i write at dusk and edit by dawn. Super powers include keeping the clouds around to hunt for silverlings.