Feel Rejuvenated With Handy, Sugar Free Dissolving Strips From BonAyu

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Multivitamin Strips: Supports hair, nail growth & smoothens skin

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Vitamin C Strips:Prevents wrinkles & keeps skin healthy


What Makes It Awesome?

We’re sure that when you think of health supplements, powders, energy drinks and tablets come to mind. What if we told you that BonAyu makes health supplements in the form of dissolvable films? You don’t even have to chew these strips, just wait for it to dissolve in your mouth and viola! It's that simple. Sounds cool, right? The brand is revolutionizing how supplements are made and they’re trying to simplify healthy living.

The BonAyu dissolving strips come with a dosage of caffeine, tea extracts and essential vitamins. Their Vitamin C strips are especially handy since they help boost immunity, and reduce fatigue. So, if you’re looking for that quick energy boost, these convenient dissolving strips are just the thing. With the BonAyu tea extracts, you can get the goodness of green tea in your pocket! It’s rich in catechins, which is an antioxidant that boosts metabolism and enhances fat burning. If you’re looking to use these strips for skin care, the BonAyu acne strips help remove impurities and also unclog pores, leaving you with glowing skin. You've just got to place the strip on your skin for 6-8 hours for best results! The multi-vitamin strips help both the skin and hair, so get a double dose of nourishment in one go.

Whether you run, swim, exercise regularly or just need it for skin and hair care and regular wellbeing, there are different kinds of strips for each-even teeth whitening! They’re also lactose and gluten-free, so that’s another thing you don’t have to worry about.