This Rare Curated Bookstore Will Feed Your Book-Hungry Soul

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What Makes It Awesome

Conceptualised by Raju Singh, Chapter 101 stocks more than 1,000 titles—rare discoveries, first-edition copies and all the classics. The store has been around for almost six years now, and every single book has been carefully curated from around the world and assembled as part of this massive collection by Mr Singh himself. Choose from a wide range of genres—fiction, art, music, sport or biographies—this store has something for everyone.

With soft jazz music, coffee for shoppers, a strict no-cellphone policy, bright lights, posters of Louis Armstrong and Bob Marley as well as a display of vintage décor and accessories, Chapter 101 is a recreation of every reader’s happy place. Walking into this bookstore felt like we were falling in love all over again. In love with the distinct smell of ink on paper, the yellowing corners of our favourite books and the almost-forgotten art of reading.

We spotted beautiful copies of Hemingway’s masterpieces, Somerset Maugham’s wondrous creations and all 90 of PG Wodehouse’s books. Then, buy yourself a book, any book, and start building your own collection. 

Prices start at INR 500 and can go up, up and up, depending on the rarity of the book.

What Could Be Better

We really do hope that they open an outlet in Delhi too (so that we can avoid a trip all the way to G-Town).

An aspiring journalist and a full-time writer, I eat an unhealthy amount of kimchi, have a shoe-hoarding problem and overuse the comma.