Our Search For Cheap-Leather-Everything Ended At Yashwant Place

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Leather is irresistible. Leather is sassy. Leather is edgy. But one thing it’s not? Cheap. Well, at most branded places at least.

Allow us to give this widespread misconception a kick in the butt. We’ve walked down the many leather shops at Yashwant Place with the eyes of a mad scientist and we’re here with the verdict. This place wins hands down when it comes to leather shopping on a bonsai budget. On top of that, the store owners aren’t exactly averse to bargaining {gleeful drumroll?}.

The variety of hats, skirts, jackets, gloves, bags and more we stumbled upon here had us gasping for breath. There’s so much treasure here that no amount of talking will do justice; just see these photos and you’ll know.

Cowboy Hat

Shop Deets: Bitto Leather Works, shop no. 126

Price: INR 2,000

Suede Patchwork Jacket

Shop Deets: Bitto Leather Works, shop no. 126

Price: INR 1,000

Studded Grey Jacket

Shop Deets: Uppal Fur House, shop no. 39

Price: INR 3,000

Solid Green Jacket

Shop Deets: Uppal Fur House, shop no. 39

Price: INR 3,000

Brown No-Nonsense Bag

Shop Deets: Uppal Fur House, shop no. 39

Price: INR 2,200

Neon Gloves

Shop Deets: M. Ahmed Fur Store

Price: INR 1,000 for a pair

Ethnic Camel Leather Bag

Shop Deets: R.V. International, shop no. 42

Price: INR 350

Compact Sling Bag

Shop Deets: Vinay Leather, shop no. 42

Price: INR 1,500

Tan Tote

Shop Deets: Monika Handicrafts, shop no. 53

Price: INR 2,000

Retro Men’s Jackets

Shop Deets: Monika Handicrafts, shop no. 53

Price: INR 4,200

Recommendation and photos: Ipsita Nayak & Rene Verma


The LBB crew consists of ladies and gentlemen with an array of interests, who are all committed to finding something unique and exciting about the city they call home.