Chilling With Friends Or Quiet Date Nights: This Pretty Cafe Is Great For Both

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Pretty restaurants are one of our weaknesses and when there’s good food, not too-loud music and a hospitable staff ensuring a pleasant dining experience, we try to find every reason to drop by such places. A case in point, you ask? The Branch Cafe in South Ex.

All Things Pretty & Nice

Regardless of whether you’ve had a long day at work or have been stressed due to assignments piling up, The Branch Cafe’s mint green and white interiors, calming music and vibe will instantly put you at ease. Ambience definitely has to be one of the high points of this restaurant. This cafe has got faux terrariums and greens adding colour to dull corners, pretty fairy lights and massive windows with a lot of natural light coming in.

We found a comfy spot right next to the window overlooking the  flyover and were glad that we were not on the other side of the glass. That’s the thing about The Branch, it’s a cosy world in its own away from all the rush and it’s the perfect place where you and bae {or your gang} could catch up over a good, good cup of coffee or their Signature Ice Tea, which by the way, was very refreshing and can wash away the blues of the hardest work days.

Since we were short on time, we ordered a Spicy Chicken & Mushroom Pizza which was crisp, nice and tangy with well-seasoned mushrooms and chicken chunks but perhaps, could do with some more cheese. It was only on our way back that we felt bad about not trying more dishes like their Sausage, Bacon & Cheese Pizza, Pulled Pork and the Thyme Sauteed Risotto in creamy mushroom paste, which just by the very sound of it has got us planning our next trip to the cafe.

So, We’re Saying..

The Branch Cafe is generally not too crowded, so you won’t have to talk over other people’s voices or even loud music. Just one advice: don’t make the mistake we made. Drop by this cafe when you have a good two-three hours to spare and with an empty stomach so you can hog on all the palatable dishes this cafe has to offer {maybe, leave some room for desserts too}.

The Branch Cafe will be worth your time but it’s a little expensive, so save up and drop by for those date nights when the usual movie dates just won’t do.


Lover of lists, literature, and long naps. Foodie blessed with a great metabolism, so hogging on all kinds of delicacies {bizarre included} is my favourite pastime.