HKV's Newest Dessert Hub: Choco Vault


Ten-Second Takeaway

If you’ve always pined for a golden ticket to the Chocolate Factory, this may be the closest you’ll ever get. Choco Vault is a haven full of desserts and shakes for those who live for chocolate and will inhale it in any and every form.


Love Bomb, Trio Pizza


Coffee Hazelnut Chocolate Elixir


There is a giant buzzer on the wall. Press this and it zooms in your order to a small vault on its right. All you have to do is turn the wheel and retrieve your sweet treat… Magic!

Sweet everythings

If you’re a chocolate fanatic, Choco Vault is your oyster; the menu is chock-a-block with options. Small eats include the Chocolate Balls {think Ferrero Rocher}, Chocolate Spoon {this is literally a tiny chunk of dark Belgian chocolate shaped like a spoon} and Chocolate Syringe {for that quick shot of chocolate to  get you going}.

For those of you looking to gorge, the pizza or the Mess to Share {platters with an assortment of their signatures} is the way to go. We also tried the waffle sticks – crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside, but we did miss the dose of cream cheese frosting which usually accompanies Red Velvet.

Chug chug chug

The Choco Vault peeps pride themselves on not giving in to the alcohol wave we’ve all been swayed by, and instead aim to please customers with a range of thick shakes {highlights include Cherry Vanilla, Chocolate Hazelnut Coffee, Chocolate Mint Julep}, coolers {such as Virgin Mojito and iced tea} and the usual hot favourites like coffee and hot chocolate.

We’d say you plan a visit only when major sweet cravings strike as the sugar can get a tad overwhelming, and you don’t have the option to decide sugar levels in anything.


Editor @ LBB/ Poker Face/ Cakehead/ Momo Sapien/ Lip balm hoarder/ Pro online shopper/ Puppy Person/ Explorer of all things food & drinks 🍸