Looking to sling in style? Fizza is a bag brand that does everything right - pouches, clutches, glossy bags, slings, totes, laptop bags, cross-bodies and more.
While the designs are aplenty, we were most impressed with their totes, handbags, and clutch collection. From two/three-textured totes to printed boho totes, jhola to circle totes, striped totes to tan tassel totes, they have it all. We also love the edgy leather mini handbags that they have. You can also check out long wallets and backpacks with polka dots.
Similarly, their designer clutches and pouches are a pretty addition to your wardrobes. Get their designer moon clutch bags, patterned tassel pouches with brooches and other pretty embellishments. You will find awesome party half-moon clutches, box pouch slings with quirky boho prints and designs along with metallic embellished box slings.