Dina Nath has got a plethora of leather bags, especially luggage. If you're looking to buy either leather bags or a suitcase or backpack at an inexorbitant rate, this is your Mecca. While the store itself is nothing fancy (don't expect the merch to be beautifully laid out in glass cases), the stuff is quite nice. You'll have to rummage a bit to find what you want, because a lot of the things will be paper and plastic-wrapped. However, the staff in general (though always busy with a couple of customers) is fairly nice, and will answer your questions and locate the kind of bag you have in mind.
Here's the kind of thing you're likely to find here; a plethora of basic backpacks (more pragmatic than aesthetic), lots of simple, durable suitcases, a lot of messenger and tote bags for women for dailywear, leather bags and laptop bags. If you're looking for capacious, practical bags, hit these guys up. Not the right place if you're looking for clutches, bucket bags, envelope bags—basically things that are more for style than utility.
Here's the kind of thing you're likely to find here; a plethora of basic backpacks (more pragmatic than aesthetic), lots of simple, durable suitcases, a lot of messenger and tote bags for women for dailywear, leather bags and laptop bags. If you're looking for capacious, practical bags, hit these guys up. Not the right place if you're looking for clutches, bucket bags, envelope bags—basically things that are more for style than utility.