Join the Stray Dogs in Sweaters for a Game of Ultimate Frisbee!

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We’ve all heard football, basketball and tennis, but a far lesser known sport that’s played in competitive capacity would be  Ultimate Frisbee. What is that, you ask? Let’s get you up to speed.

Ultimate Frisbee is essentially played on a rectangular field with end zones at each end {their equivalent to goal posts}. Each point begins with both teams, which comprise 7 players each, lining up on the front of their respective end zone line. The game begins as the defense throws the disc to the offense. Each time the offense completes a successful pass in the defense’s end zone, they score one point. The disc may be advanced in any direction, by completing a pass to an open player. You’re not allowed to run with the disc, and your movement is restricted to pivoting to be able to make a pass. No physical contact is allowed during the game; contact constitutes a foul. Here’s where that aforementioned spirit kicks in. The game does not have any referees, and each player is responsible to call their own foul, and to resolve any potential disputes. This is why Ultimate stresses sportsmanship and FairPlay, and encourages the highest level of mutual respect between players.

The Delhi team, called Stray Dogs in Sweaters, was founded six years ago, and gets together every weekend to play the sport. The India Ultimate Frisbee scene is booming, and there are 2 main tournaments held every year – one in Chennai and the other in Kodaikanal. Delhi has adopted a mixed international version of the game, which means the teams are mixed {hello, women}, and what started out as a 6:1 men to women ratio, has evolved to a 4:3 ratio.

You can get involved too! Whether it’s joining their practices to get a feel of the game, or to pursue it a tad more seriously, they have provisions for both. Although only 7 people can be on the field at one time, they have in attendance of between 30 and 50 people at their practice runs. They also organize practice sessions at Lodhi Gardens on the weekends, and these sessions focus on physical fitness, training, and casual games, as opposed to a strict point based competitive system. For first timers, attending a session is free of charge, and as for the repeat players, you are to contribute a small amount towards rental of the field. No pain, no gain right?

PS: There is an India National Team called Masala Chai that competes at international tournaments. And yes, the women play too.

Where: Jasola Sports Complex, DDA Jasola Vihar, Sarita Vihar and Lodhi Gardens.

When: Saturday from 7am-9am, and Sundays from 4.30pm-6.30pm. {Jasola Sports Complex}.

As for Lodhi Gardens, games are spontaneous, and times and venues are posted on the Facebook Group. Follow them on Facebook here to know when and how.

To know about the India Ultimate Scene, join the Facebook group here.


Our resident fun fearless female, she started her career as a features writer with Cosmopolitan Magazine. Also a trained professional dancer, her writing career was put on hold while she attempted to master vigorous jazz hands and perform anywhere else but a Punjabi wedding.