Italian To Arabic: Learn To Converse In Over 50 Languages With This App

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What Makes It Awesome

We've been trying to learn a new language for a while now but the endless grammar rules and rote vocabulary learning don't sit well with us. So when we discovered the organic learning based Pimsleur method, we had to give it a shot and we're happy to report, it was money well spent. In just 30 days, we can understand Italian much more than we could with those expensive and long courses.

The Pimsleur method was developed by Dr. Paul Pimsleur and is based on a "scientifically proven set of principles - graduated interval recall, principle of anticipation, core vocabulary, and organic learning." What this means is the app uses a combination of auditory and visual mediums to help us grasp a new language with a strong focus on memory retention.

We all probably learned our mother tongues by listening to them being spoken around us and this is exactly what Pimsleur does for foreign languages. It provides context and then tests us through a variety of practice games. The app has 30-minute listening sessions that form the core of learning, reading lessons, flashcards, role-playing games, and since they're all on your phone, you can access them anytime, anywhere.

The Pimsleur app has lessons in Italian, Arabic, Albanian, English, Hindi, Dutch, German, French, Armenian, Chinese, Hebrew, Irish, Japanese, and more foreign languages. The first lesson of each language can be accessed for free, while all the other lessons are chargeable and different languages have different prices. Our Italian premium subscription costs us INR 1,599 per month. The app is available for download on both iOS and Android.