Rent A Farm Plot & These Guys Will Grow & Deliver Its Organic Veggies To You

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Edible Routes

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Through the Farmlet Program, people can rent a plot of farm land, and all the organic veggies and fruits grown there will be delivered to their homes twice a month. From growing the produce and the farm’s upkeep to the delivery of veggies, renters do not have to worry about a thing as the folks at Edible Routes (who’ve launched this program) will take care of it all.

Farm Wonders

Edible Routes, a popular urban farming consultancy in Delhi, has recently launched its Farmlet Programme for the people of Delhi NCR. Under this program, people can rent a 2,400 sq. ft. plot of land on the Sultanpur Farmlet Project (located just 20kms from Gurgaon) and get all the organic produce from these farms home delivered for six months.

Seeds, irrigation and all kinds of maintenance and farming activities will only be undertaken by the experts at Edible Routes. These folks only use bio-pesticides and compost and like we said, they’ll even deliver the organic veggies to your doorstep twice a month. Really, eating healthy can be that simple.

There’s more good news for you as the subscription fee also includes farm visits, free access to Edible Routes’ workshops (which, by the way, are amazing!), weekly updates on your farm produce, organic food recipes shared by experts and access to their herb gardens too.

The Farmletters can even choose the kind of crops they’d like to grow on their patch (after discussing with the Edible Routes peeps, of course). Honestly, there’s nothing you need to worry about except maybe losing the opportunity to participate in this programme. Only the first 50 subscribers (before August 1) can avail this scheme and we’re told that half the farm land has already been sublet.

So, We're Saying..

Since the folks at Edible Routes have just launched this Farmlet Programme, they’re offering an introductory price of INR 29,992 for a six-month subscription. We feel that around INR 4,999/month is a decent price, considering that all the organic produce of your choice will be delivered to your house twice a month and it also includes free farm visits, workshops and expert advice.

Plus, it’s the price for a better, healthier lifestyle. Can’t really argue with that now.


Lover of lists, literature, and long naps. Foodie blessed with a great metabolism, so hogging on all kinds of delicacies {bizarre included} is my favourite pastime.