#FutureForward: Sign Up For A Fun Webinar With The Leads Of Bira 91 & Epigamia Where They Talk About All Things Digital Marketing!

#FutureForward: Digital Marketing

What's Happening?

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

https://upgrad.zoom.us/j/98015499547?pwd=NWk0NTVadXErWG0xNHVJWjVLTVFPQT09%3C/a%3E%3C/p%3E%3Cp%3EPasscode:&utm_source=LBB&ref=lbbpost 098025

Brands, businesses and life as we know it has changed forever. While the pandemic continues to bring out an environment of constant change, there are those who have managed to stay consistent and strong through it all. These are stalwarts from India Inc who have dealt with it like any other crisis- with ease, precision and finesse. So we along with the folks at upGrad are giving you a chance to learn from their experience. Think crystal-ball gazing into what skills you would need to make a mark in the next decade, think webinar and think...#FutureForward. 

This 5 part series will aim to bring you face-to-face or rather screen-to-screen with some of India’s leading CXOs, VCs and experts in the field of music, business and technology. 

Our host for the series is Varun Duggirala, co-founder and content chief at The Glitch, one of India's leading new-age creative agencies. 

The panels are different for each session, and for this one, our guest is none-other-than, Deepak Sinha, who is the Global VP of marketing at India’s home-brewed beer brand, Bira 91. With over 14 years of experience at beverage companies such as Pernod Ricard and MillerCoors, he has led brand development, marketing and sales, and helped emerging and established brands find success across international markets. He will also be accompanied by Aanchal Chauhan, Head of Media & Content, Bira 91! 

Joining him, we have Siddharth Menon, who is the CMO for Drums Food, the parent company of Epigamia, India's first Greek Yogurt brand. A sales, marketing and strategy professional with a proven track record of successful business growth, leadership and innovation, he has over 12+ years of experience in working with FMCG brands. 

Indeed, a fine blend of experts for all things marketing! So, if you’re thinking of a career in Digital Marketing, sign up for this session right away. 
