For The Love Of Dog: Consulting This Nutritionist & Chef Equals A Happy Pup!

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In sickness and in health is a promise your four-legged bff makes with you for a lifetime and remember, it goes both ways! So together with the belly rubs and the hugs it is important you also care for their tums aka your doggo's dietary needs, as a practice. For this you need a certified Canine Nutritionist and Chef like Georgina, who will make sure your guardian angel enjoys the pug life while on duty!

Georgina's Kitchen was Georgina's way of controlling her epileptic dog's diet back in 2016, a time where meds for a condition like this was unavailable, she shares. Since food greatly impacted Vladimir's health, she began researching and studying canine nutrition. The love for the subject then drove her towards certifications in the field and new beginnings. Ever since, Georgina has been creating holistic diets for healthy dogs and for one's with health conditions through email consultations worldwide! In her sessions, she draws up a diet chart with meals, treats and growth plans for both adult dogs and puppies. This is done taking into consideration factors like age, height, weight, breed, activity rate and pre-existing conditions. Thus far, Georgina has been able to help over 3,500 puppers at a minimal charge (INR 1,500 for adults and INR 2,000 for puppies).

Georgina goes a step further and also makes readymade food supplements like Vegetable Bisque Powders (use as soups or as add-ons to meals) and Ocean Flaked (dried sardines and anchovies). Also popular is the Meal Enhancer Spice Mix that when added to food builds appetite, improves digestions and aids other trouble. These range between INR 350 to INR 1,400.


Get in touch with Georgina by hitting the 'Enquire Now’ button on this recommendation. Together with consultations, Georgina gives out FAQ sheets to help combat a health condition that may present in the future.


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