Get This App For 30-Second Exercises That Are Perfect For WFH Life

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What Makes It Awesome

Working from home can be exhausting. Not to mention energy-sapping. And boring. Suffice to say, I really do not enjoy working from home. And what I like even less is the fact that you are stuck in front of a screen all day, with little chance of getting out. 

Now, if you've been feeling like a couch potato working from your couch, this app offers a fun solution. You can incorporate short exercise routines of just 30-seconds, into your work schedule at regular intervals. These routines take into account everyday objects that you might have around you - from your chair to your desk and even your bed. If you're stepping out, then you have the option of weaving things like the stairs or even the park bench into your routine. 

The exercises are designed for a modern lifestyle. Incorporating regular movement into your daily grind is a great way to lift your mood, boost your energy and just feel better with those extra endorphins going. 

What Could Be Better

The downside is that the app is available only on iOS and it is paid. However, you can sign up for a trial to give it a test run and subscribe to their newsletter for free workouts delivered to your inbox.