Rock The Indo Western Style In These Luxe Hand Stitched Scarves & Neck Warmers

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What Makes It Awesome

We've cracked the code to lazy dress up days. All this hack requires is a scarf or a neck warmer from Purple Sunshine, an awesome brand that you can easily locate on Shop On LBB. Now we aren't using the term awesome loosely because this brand lives up to the coveted title. Intended for the modern day woman who prefers to accessorise in ways that go beyond the done and dusted, Purple Sunshine's collection deals in more or less one piece of clothing that can turn a frumpy outfit around. In addition, all (yes all) their proceeds go to charities that support important causes. Suddenly, this dainty (usually undermined) accessory has so much more meaning, both in its style and impact with this label.

Every scarf or neck warmer you spot on Purple Sunshine's line is handcrafted is fabrics that scream luxury. Think raw silks, warm wools, and soft fleece, these in designs and detailing that pretty much cover all bases. Tie-dye chanderi scarf with pom-pom to scalloped scarves with double string beading or jade pendants or neck warmers with sequined or heavily tasseled borders (almost look like elaborate neckpieces). Presently, since it's also aptly winter season, we're eyeing the Black Mirror Work Sequined and the Maroon Raw Silk Frilled neck warmers. These throw heavy power and class vibes. These are also easily wearable and they stay put because they come with a button attachment at the back.

Purple Sunshine also makes stoles and sarongs that can double as dupattas. These too channel very indo-western vibes while still staying unique with a standout element or detail.


Purple Sunshine prices its accessories at INR 2,500 upwards with certain pieces also hitting the 6,000 mark. Although these seem to be steep prices, remember that the quality of work and fabric is opulent and that all your money will be doing good.


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