Skiing, Snow Slides & Ice Skating: It's Always -10° At This Snow Park In Noida

What Makes It Awesome

Snow World in DLF Mall of India, Noida is the perfect place for a snowy respite. They’ve used state-of-the-art technology to create ice and snow in the middle of the furnace that is Delhi NCR. Minus 10 degrees, with snow up to your calves, and icicles above your head is unimaginable in a city like Delhi NCR - but here we are. Snow World welcomes people of all ages to a frosty snow room with multiple activities like skating, skiing, tobogganing and more, without having to save up for a trip to the Alps.

We tried out the sleighing areas, where we whooshed down the slope in a tube or sliders. There is also a stunning cave, an igloo where you can star-gaze, and a bunch of options for kids, too. While all of it is enormously fun, (making snow angels, whipping snowballs at unsuspecting bystanders, or catching your breath after sliding down that huge slope) we would recommend that you wear full clothes, or you will get terribly cold.

There have also been reports of minor scrapes and accidents, and we will recommend that you mentally and physically prepare yourself before diving into the fun. We were given these awesome jackets and cool-looking boots and gloves. The staff gives you clear instructions about slippery floors, and how it will be pretty cold in there. 

Price: INR 1,000 per person for a 90-minute slot.

Timing: Open all 7 days of the week from 11 AM to 10 PM. (The last slot is at 8 PM)

Age limit: No age limit. However, children below the age of ten and senior citizens need to be accompanied by a guardian.

Best Time To Visit: During the summer when you want to escape the heat of the city.

Activities: Sledging, ice-skating, toboggan, kiddie carousel, enjoying the snowfall in their Snow Play Area and building snowmen or snow castles.

Pro Tip

Carry or wear socks so you won’t have to purchase a pair over there. Also, we suggest that you sit and get acclimatised to the cold, to avoid a headache, falling sick or feeling too breathless.


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