The Humsafar Trust

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Humsafar Trust is one of India’s oldest organisations that has been advocating for the rights and the health of LGBTQ+ individuals in India since 1993. Twice every month, they host meet-ups and workshops to bring the community together and socialise. Apart from this, the good folks at Humsafar also provide legal and psychological aid to those in distress. In cases of extortion, blackmail, or to help you through the ‘coming out’ phase, these are the people you can trust without any qualms. They conduct a bunch of workshops as well so do keep a check on their social media handles and website for the same. 


An opinionated Gen-z beauty enthusiast who knows about a beauty product even before it goes viral. Oh, also loves all things food and matcha. With over a year of experience in content, watch this space for the best recommendations :)