Kama's Kumkumadi Face Scrub Is Super Gentle & Super Effective

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Kama Ayurveda

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What Makes It Awesome?

I have superrrr sensitive skin, and generally avoid any scrub or exfoliator for my face. Off late, my pores have been getting clogged, and on a whim to clean up my face I gave this particular face scrub a shot. (Think a friend gifted this to me!)

I generally really like Kama's products- they aren't harsh at all, are easy on the skin, and though I haven't made any other Kama products a part of my "skin care regimen" (which, frankly, includes just washing and moisturising my face), this Kumkumadi scrub is most definitely making the cut.

It's very gentle- a pea size amount on your finger is all of suggest. Don't scrub your face like you'd scrub the floor please! Gently massage this across your face; I tend to apply a little extra pressure on my nose and my chin. Wash it off with cold water and you're done! I don't use this more than once a week or 10 days, and I'm pretty happy with the result! It's helped clear out my skin as well

Additional notes: it smells lovely! It costs about INR 825, and can last about 2 months in my opinion (unless you go HAM on your face, which you must not!) Because I have sensitive skin, I dont complicate my routine and try keeping my products as natural as is possible

How Much Did It Cost?

₹500 - ₹1,000

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