After Party People: Hit Up This Spot For Epic Music & Fun LGBTQ Nights

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Kitty Su inside the Lalit Hotel is one of the top {and lavish} spots for all the party freaks in Delhi.

No Better Place To Go Crazy

With earthy tones and evocative sculptures inspired by the ones inside Khajurao temple, the decor oozes character. The music – which ranges from electronic to pop, and house to disco – will make sure you won’t that gigantic dance floor. Not just that, the nightclub has a champagne lounge, an  ‘A’ list section and a mini club within the club called The Salon. And, to add to the list, they even have a tattoo parlour {If you’re planning to party The Hangover style, this is the place to do it}.

This place wins extra points for hosting LGBTQ nights every week {think drag performances and such}. And, when it comes to the drinks, don’tmiss out on their signature The Lalit Cocktail and the delicious champagne.

Must Know Before You Go

The place is open five days a week from Wednesday to Sunday – and every night is a new event here. For entry details and booking your tickets (and tables), hit up their website or give them a call. They also have strict rules and regulations, so do not miss on checking that out.

So, We're Saying...

Kitty Su has been after party central for as long as we can remember – and with good reason. Check it out when you want to keep the party going post curfew. 


Human fly on the wall | Admirer of all live art I Closet adrenaline junkie I Steering my way towards simple living |