Nappa Dori has been my go-to place for leather everything - handbags, weekenders, diaries, notepads, passport holders, wallets and more. I love their aesthetic - it's clean, no-nonsense and their use of materials, be it leather, canvas, or even metal.
Their new collection, which bids adieu to the indie/kitschy prints and ikat fabrics used in his previous collections, is my favourite by far. The maroon bag {pictured} is one of my latest purchase; the bucket bag {also pictured} is just down right cool in its use of materials {the blue base is metal, and the handle is that sailor rope material}.
Their new collection, which bids adieu to the indie/kitschy prints and ikat fabrics used in his previous collections, is my favourite by far. The maroon bag {pictured} is one of my latest purchase; the bucket bag {also pictured} is just down right cool in its use of materials {the blue base is metal, and the handle is that sailor rope material}.