We know how hard it can be to find the ideal work bag that showcases your personal style. And that's why we were so excited to find this brand online. Tribe Shop makes authentic leather leather bags in a variety of chic styles. What makes it really great is that these bags are crafted for the contemporary workplace and for your every day life.
Each of their bags come in different colours and styles that are a nice change from the regular old patterns that you'd be bored of seeing. Also, we love that the bags also come equipped with plenty of storage space, because let's face it, we can never get enough of pockets and zips, especially considering the epidemic of the vanishing pockets in our clothes. Most of their bags come in two-toned colours so that you can mix it up with your outfits. The bags are unisex, so that they cater to both men and women.
We spotted wallets at INR 1599, totes at INR 3,499, laptop bags at INR 4,299 and backpacks at INR 2,500.