Book-Lovers, These Two Delhi Libraries Will Cost You Less Than INR 200 A Year

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Be honest, when you think of Chittaranjan Park, the first thing that comes to your mind is the food, yes? But this locality is seeped in cultural landmarks that may be of use to you, whether you’re a student looking for a quiet place to work, or a corporate professional looking to get back into reading, with little to no cost to you.

There are two functioning libraries you could look into.

Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Memorial Society Library

This library, at the Chittaranjan Bhawan, began in 1970, with the local residents all donating their own collections in order to establish this space. Today, the DCMS Library boasts a fairly large collection of more than 30,000 historical, political, and literary works. You will find both English, and Bengali texts here. There is even a room specially allocated for children’s literature, and young-adult fiction. The administrative staff is made up of senior-citizens who have decided to spend a few hours each day, to work in the library.

They also host a rare book collection, consisting of hundred year old books, and a signed copy of Sri Aurobindo’s collected works, so if you’ve spent enough time there, they might let you see it!

Membership Requirements: A permanent residency proof, two passport-sized photographs, a one-time deposit of INR 300.

Yearly Fee: INR 180

Swami Vivekananda Centenary Library {Kali Mandir Society}

This is by far the quietest, most peaceful location for a library, being placed in the heart of the Kali Mandir, the largest landmark in C.R.Park. You will find a diverse set of Bengali and English newspapers and magazines, and one of the most astute collections on philosophical and religious texts, along with literary and historical material. There are also many Tinkles, and Champaks, that the children have taken over.  Along with the books on offer, it’s the conversations amongst senior and younger member alike, where the real education takes place. Students, and researchers, can utilise the space to prepare for their exams, and it would be free of cost for them. Clear it past the head librarian once, and you’re free to get your own books!

Membership Requirements: A Permanent residency proof, ID, and two passport sized photographs, a one-time fee of INR 150

Yearly Fee: INR 150


There’s another library in the hood – Bipin Chandra Pal Library but it’s currently going through some changes in administration. We’ll let you know when it’s up and running.


Ronojoy teaches English literature at DU. When not working, he can be found reading all the books ever written, playing the guitar, singing, painting and eating. He is possibly the only Bengali we've met who's allergic to fish.