House of Illusion Is A Magical Place For All Crafty Things

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What Makes It Awesome?

House of Illusion offers personalised passport covers to handcrafted soaps. House of Illusion is your go-to for all crafty things. They make artsy Jhumkas, Magic wands, Soaps, Dreamcatchers, Contact lens cases, Decoupaged wooden name plates, Boxes, cards and much more. What's more, you can contact the owner Devika Gujral for any and every customization and she will go to painstaking lengths to make it happen. They conduct decoupage, soap making and crafting workshops across the country.

They also have a YouTube channel where they give free to craft and card making tutorials to beginners as well as advanced crafters.

So when you need return favours for your best friend's baby shower or a cute personalized gift for your special someone, look no further.

How Much Did It Cost?

₹5,00 - ₹1,000

Best To Go With?

Family, Big Group, Bae, Kids