Make A Statement With Kanvas Katha's Bags Starting at ₹599!

Kanvas Katha

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Every bag tells a story, and Kanvas Katha is here to give you yours. Our bags basically help us carry our life around, and Kanvas Katha brings our bags to life!

What Makes It Awesome

Featuring super bright, graphic pieces that are incredibly eye-catching, Kanvas Katha's statement bags add an exciting element to your wardrobe no matter what the outfit!

They use practical bag silhouettes and breaks through with statement patterns and designs to add a lot of character and vibrance to your everyday bag. Their bags are super easy to pull off with contemporary or Indian-wear. They experiment with materials like PVC for more atypical looks that you can really play with by adding neon coloured pouches to complete the look, or simply carry your books and laptop on your way to college!

What We Love: Their Arrow Print PVC Tote & Drawstring Pouch. It's a classy yet experimental addition to your outfit and brings out your inner innovative stylist! Don't worry, you won't have to scurry around for pouches on this one to hide your valuables. It also has an opaque pouch for all your stuff so you can carry it worry-free!