Market Near Aya Nagar

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Between Arjan Garh and Ghitorni metro station, you’ll find seven to eight shops selling custom-made chiks, colourful mudas, beanbags and even hanging lights made out of colourful rope for reasonable prices. We’re eyeing the bean bags at the Village Article store, starting at the low, low price of INR 350 only. They even stock fabrics so you can get your bean bags customised too.

Check out all the loot we found here.

Known For: Cane furniture, beanbags, hanging lamps, beanbags and more.

Pro-Tip: For all things rustic, head over to this list of chic cane decor. Or perhaps some bamboo home accessories and decor? And some jute products as well. 


Lover of lists, literature, and long naps. Foodie blessed with a great metabolism, so hogging on all kinds of delicacies {bizarre included} is my favourite pastime.