First of all the quality of this bag is the best I have ever come across . They say it is a vegan leather bag .
Love the pastel pink colour which has a zip and a chain to add style to it .
It comes with an additional sling so that you can carry it when you are working and team up with a dress when going to a party without the sling .
It is such a chic bag , perfect for gifting too because it is cheaper than what you get at the medium range stores in mall .
They have some different style bags too but my personal favorite has to be this one , gives me a posh chic vibe .
Love the pastel pink colour which has a zip and a chain to add style to it .
It comes with an additional sling so that you can carry it when you are working and team up with a dress when going to a party without the sling .
It is such a chic bag , perfect for gifting too because it is cheaper than what you get at the medium range stores in mall .
They have some different style bags too but my personal favorite has to be this one , gives me a posh chic vibe .