Monkey Shoulder is Finally Available at a Bar Near You

Whiskey drinkers, rejoice. Monkey Shoulder {or MOSH} is finally here in India, and boy, are we happy! Whether it’s with some Coke, a dash of sweet vermouth, a teaspoon of jam {really} or just plain water, this Scottish whisky loves a bit of company.

Make it malty

Quirky as the name may be, it really is the flavour that makes this whisky so popular. This triple malt is created by combining single malts from three of Speyside’s finest distilleries. The resulting mix is then finished in a bourbon cask that gives it smooth, rich vanilla deliciousness. From what we hear, this malt tastes great neat, but goes even better with cocktails. Well, as long as we’re drinking.

We can’t wait to get our hands on this. Have you checked out where in the city you can get some?

#LBBRecommends you try these MOSH cocktails

Find out more about Monkey Shoulder here.

This story is in partnership with Monkey Shoulder.


An urban yogini with a serious fetish for yoga, wholesome living, and homegrown indie brands.