Move Over, Pepperoni! A New Pizza Delivery Joint Is Topping Their Pies With Lobster & Duck

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New in Gurgaon, Pan Pan will deliver gourmet pizzas, pasta in jars and meaty paninis on and around Golf Course Road.

The Three Ps Of A Pyjama Party

Pan Pan’s signature, thin crust gourmet pizzas will have fancypants toppings – think lobster, shrimp, duck or artichoke. Slightly more expensive than your usual Netflix-and-chill pizza partner, Pan Pan is a great option if you’re throwing a party and decide to rise to the occasion as the hostess with the mostest.

In addition to pizzas, Pan Pan promises pasta in a jar {Is this the new way to eat? Are plates passe? We need answers}. However, just like the pizzas, expect lobster ravioli, not penne in arrabiata sauce.

So, We're Saying...

Keep an eye out for Pan Pan’s delivery bikes; it’s set to launch end Sept {stay tuned for exact dates}.


An aspiring journalist and a full-time writer, I eat an unhealthy amount of kimchi, have a shoe-hoarding problem and overuse the comma.