My New Custom Charpoy From Skilled Samaritan

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I've recommended Skilled Samaritan a bunch of times on LBB, and absolutely love their products. this social enterprise makes the most stunning charpoys, and my most recent order is testimony to the skills of the women weavers they empower.

I picked the colour, pattern of the weave and texture & finish of the legs of the Charpoy over multiple back and forths with the skilled Samaritan team. They were super duper helpful and accomodating to my requests, and sent a couple of references for me to choose from. I wanted a more traditional pattern on my charpoy, and stuck to that weave; but along with jute, I got a nice maroon added to the mix.

Skilled Samaritan has a couple of ready to order charpoys, so you can pick from those as well! But, like me, if you're particular about what you want, they can accommodate that as well :)

Other points:
- it takes them 7-10 days tops to make a delivery. My order was extended because of the lockdown.
- they deliver using blue dart, and everything was very well packed!
- check out their website for more options!

works at Little Black Book/LBB. Coffee, wine, running, my doggos Oliver and Bella, non-fiction, udon noodles, salmon, stationery and Dave Chappelle ar