There's a new beauty product/brand in the market even before you're through with your "skincare routine" and sometimes one feels overwhelmed. "Do I stick to what I'm using? Do I give this effective-seeming brand a go? Will my skin hate me?" - are only some of the many questions that run through the mind. In times like this, let us help. We've handpicked 12 new brands we discovered in 2021 that have received promising reviews on their respective websites/social media and we also did our homework to understand how their products work and the concerns they target and repair/heal/enhance. If you want to invest in any of these labels, we suggest you read up and do some research of your own too. As for one too many products, it's always 'the more the merrier' when it comes to skincare, so freely indulge.
PS. If you're just beginning your self-care (skin, hair, beauty) journey, you've landed the right recommendation and with it some killer, up-and-coming Indian beauty and skincare brands to explore. Bookmark, read on, and conveniently Shop On LBB!