O bag is an Italian handbag brand that stepped in India a few months back. In a short span, their popularity has increased and if you're wonder how and why, then let us tell you that this brand has a lot of options in handbags that you could choose from ranging from classic, mini, urban, swing, knit mini, pocket, moon, beach, twist, to even square bags (there's more though).
Their bags are made out of lightweight foam called XL Extralight which super-soft and smooth. Also, it is waterproof, sturdy, flexible, and anti-microbial. Also, you even customise your handbag - you can pick the colours, handles, trims, shoulder straps, and inserts to suit your taste.
Oh, and did we tell you that the quality they offer is superb! Plus, their bags are quite spacious (which is an added bonus).
The price of the bags starts at INR 2,500.