Pamper Yourself With These {Forest} Essential Products

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What Makes It Awesome?

Feel no blues with these super calming products from Forest Essentials. The aroma of Stress Relief and Tranquil Sleep relaxes your mind and body thoroughly, taking you straight to paradise!

The Organic Coconut oil smells divine and is also a great relaxant. And if you're as addicted to good smell, go for the Rose and Cardamom body mist along with the Hasayan Rose facial tonic mist, you'll smell and feel real good sense of calmness.

What's My Pro Tip?

If you're a flowers person, you're definitely going to love them all. They last long and help enhance your mood just with some pchit-pchit!

Anything Else?

If you're too lazy to go to the store to purchase, you can simply order them online. They have a huge variety of such oh-so-soothing products which I believe are must-haves! So, de-stress with these beauties and hop on to the calm side.

I like to eat all day and sleep with the thought of what I'll eat tomorrow. Winged eyeliner, cups of chai and dark chocolate is what I need to get through the day. I love the hills and some Absolut Elyx!