{Not So Dead} Poets Society: These Poetry Clubs In Delhi Should Be On Your Radar

Ten-Second Takeaway

Poetry can be the most freeing of art forms. It can be private, or public, or even a mix of the two. Here, we bring you poetry-reading clubs in Delhi that not only serve as a space to speak out loud, but also where you can have your 15 minutes of fame. Most of these places also have workshops, so check ‘em out!

Delhi Poetry Slam

Organising some of the best poetry slams in town, Delhi Poetry Slam also hones the art of the spoken word by providing workshops. Since 2013, the club does artist management for spoken word performers and hosts events at various venues across Delhi. Slam is essentially competitive performance poetry that can include hip-hop lyrics, storytelling, and so much more. Delhi Poetry Slam has brought together local and international performers on a common platform at their poetry reading sessions in Delhi.

Poetry Couture

Poetry Couture is a pro-bono initiative across the main cities of India, including Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai, that revives the culture of reading poetry and prose. This is mostly for the youth to engage with poetry intrinsically, and to create a space where one can practice one’s right to free speech. They generally read at cafes and parks. They have come up with events and sessions that deal with social malpractices and customs.

Poets Corner

The name behind the famous and fabulous Delhi Poetry Festival, Poet’s Corner started off as a student’s movement, and has now become a pan-India poetry phenomenon. They even have a children’s section called the New Leaf Poets Club. They organise online competitions, poetry reading events, and book launches.

If you’re a poet, and you know it – you need to grab a copy of Sharanya Manivannan’s The Altar of the World.  Deeply reflective, brimming with wonder, mythic in resonance and surprisingly spiritual, these will transport you to a different world. With poems of exile, resurrection, impossible love and lasting redemption – you won’t be able to put this book down!

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A full time enthusiast of the 'gram', Kasturi paints and writes on her eponymous blog. She's looking to establish herself in a stable job despite her impending and current existential quarter life crisis. Not having stayed in one place for too long, she muses about the Arts and has an astronomical appetite for, well, food.