These Start-Ups Are Upcyling Pujo Pandals' Fabric To Make Bags & Much More

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Redefining Pujo 2020: Upcycling Pandals | WeAreLabeless X MLC

What Makes It Awesome

Just like you, it also makes us teary-eyed as we think how we won't be able to hog on those Pujo delicacies and how much we are going to miss those pandals. But the good thing is that we are sure this is soon going to be over and we can gear up for next year. As we talk, amidst all this, two of the start-ups came together and decided to do something really good - keep reading!

Two of these start-ups called, WeAreLabeless and Multilogue Collective have decided to up-cycle the fabric that was used in last year's pandal and make accessories and utility items for sale - isn't that cool? Also, what's best is that the funds generated will be used to empower the local workers and a part would also be donated to not-for-profit organisations. 

The items that they are selling are tote bags, bookmarks, phone pillows, hangable racks, buntings and more. When it comes to affordability, then let us tell you that all of their products will fit right in your budget. They have got super pretty bookmarks at INR 120, sling bags at INR 300, buntings at INR 250. 

So, go, and shop for a cause.


A writer by passion and a reader by choice. However, this doesn't end here. I also, from the bottom of my heart, like critiquing fashion. Just in case, you want a friend who could discuss fashion from the 1920s to present, I am here.