We'll Stay Up All Night To Run At Gurugram's 2nd Starry Night Marathon

What Is It?

The 2nd Edition of the Starry Night Marathon, in association with Municipal Corporation of Gurugram, gives you something to do at night other than sleep and stargaze. Join Gurgaon’s runners on a journey towards a fitter, healthier lifestyle and a cleaner, greener city.

Who Is It For?

For all regular marathon-runners, or anyone who’s interested, fit and willing to try, the Gurugram 2nd Starry Night Marathon makes for a unique running experience, as your path will be illuminated by the streetlights and stars.

Why Should I Go For It?

Whether you’re a seasoner runner or a jogging noob, you can choose the distance you think best for yourself. With the option to conquer 5km, 10km, 15km and 21.1 km, this is a great way to push yourself and test your capability. It’s also such a unique plan to make with your friends and makes for an epic #SquadGoals Instagram post.

The event takes place on Oct 7 and registration is open till D-day and, in order to participate, you should register here. You can check them out on Facebook here.

When: Oct 7

Price: Tickets start at INR 979 {taxes included},

P.S. You can also donate money to support underprivileged runners.


Chronic oversized t-shirt wearer and unapologetic pundamentalist, Vatsala Peshawaria often cannot resist food long enough to take a picture.