This Brand Will Help You Get Out Of That Toxic Relationship With Plastic

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For Richa Malik (founder), the epiphany came when while deep diving she saw a turtle swimming toward a plastic bag mistaking it for its jellyfish lunch. It was time to banish plastic from her life and start a company that helps others to do the same. The Happy Turtle was born.

What The Happy Turtle wants us to know at the very onset is that life without plastic is hard but it’s possible. It is a lifestyle pledge, almost like trying to quit taking toxic substances. The tricky part though is how to go about it. Plastic is everywhere. In jars of peanut butter and supermarket packed fruits, in tubes of toothpaste and Tupperware containers, in bottles of shampoo and laundry detergent, in the wrappers of your fav chips and the lining of milk cartons. 

This is where The Happy Turtle steps in. Offering cost-effective sustainable ways of reducing plastic consumption through their products. For instance the Plastic Free Bathroom Combo is a great place to start. This includes bamboo toothbrushes, natural loofahs, reusable make-up wipes and bamboo soap trays. The next place to tackle is the kitchen. Replace your plastic dish scrubbers and bottle brushes with the natural variety from THT. They even have a plastic-free travel kit that you must invest in. Start small by ensuring you don’t use plastic to carry groceries home with their No More Plastic Bags combo.


Having a house party? THT’s plastic-free DIY decor will ensure you have a good one. Not just in the short-term but in the long run too.


Quirk Queen. Nutella Gobbler. Storyteller. Pseudo Super Mom. Bibliophile. Closet Writer. Romancing Calcutta since 1989.